Monday, December 6, 2010


Have you ever found yourself in a place where you reacted to something in a certain way and after it was over with, you thought about it and wished you wouldn’t have done what you did?  I know…it’s a bomber isn’t it? 
Often times we act before we think and this can be very dangerous to our life overall.  There are many who are in jail today b/c they acted first without thinking about the consequences.  A lot of times this is caused by ANGER.  Uncontrolled anger!   Anger can be a very dangerous thing if it is not dealt with in a proper manner.  This is why the word says to be angry and sin not.  It also says, in all thy ways we should acknowledge God and he will direct our path.  This is in all we do, especially when we are getting ready to do something out of this world! 
I know many times it is easier said than done, but we will never learn if we never try.  We must learn to not always act so instantaneously off of things that will possibly have a negative impact on our lives and even those who are a part of our lives such as, our kids, friends, family, etc., because everything we do in life does affect others in our lives. 
I’m always reminded of God warning Cain before he killed Abel that sin was lurking at the door.  He was warning him that the thing brewing in his heart was danger and he needed to get a grip on it, before it took control of him, however, he didn’t master his anger and did something tragic.  Sometimes we can try to retract what we do but in most cases such as this one with Cain, we can’t take back what we do or may have done, and then we are left with the consequences that follow. 
With that being said, this is why I created Empowerment by Choice ( for youth and young adults.  It is a motivational presentation that I present to youth and young adult groups to teach them how their choices impact their future in ways they may never think about.  However, this is a message for all of us today. 
Today, I pray that we become people who will think first before we act and before we speak (because words have so much power), especially in times of anger.  I pray that we learn to acknowledge God in all that we do, and especially in times of retaliation. 
Stay Hopeful,

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