Thursday, December 30, 2010


Often times when we go through trials and tribulations, we go through the whys?  Why do we have to go through this or that?  Why is this happening to me?  What have I done to deserve this?  Etc!  As the year of 2010 gets ready to end, some of us can look back and say, “What a year this has been!”
Everything may didn’t feel good or even taste good, but there was and is a greater purpose!  Yes, the pain is real, the scars are real, but everything you have endured, God get’s the glory!  For we know that God causes EVERYTHING (yes, even the bad, the worst, and the ugly) to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them!  (Romans 8:28 NLT)
I am reminded of Joseph and all he had to endure just so that he can be a preserver for his people in the end.  Just to name a few, he was betrayed by his own family, sold into slavery, falsely accused but in the end, God’s plan came to light.  He didn’t know what the purpose was at anytime during his trials but eventually he saw and realized how much he had grown in God and how God was using him all along for such a time!  And the scripture says,  “ You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.  He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20 NLT)
So as we prepare for the New Year, I leave you with the words of the Psalmist Lashun Pace:
For my good, but for His Glory! 
For my good, but for His Glory! 
For my good, all that I’ve endured, God get’s the glory!
Happy New Year!

Stay Hopeful,

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Everyone loves gift!   We love them and most of us expect them from certain people on certain occasions.  However, as we all know, there are good gifts, not so good gifts, and that BEST gift.  We categorize gifts based on our wants and needs, based on how we can benefit from it and what it can do for us. 
If most of you can be honest, you have received a gift where you thought to yourself, “What in the world was so and so thinking” or “What am I supposed to do with this?”  Whatever the response, you most likely have received one of those types of gifts.  But at the same time we also have received those gifts that make us jump for joy, scream, shout or metaphorically speaking, lose our mind. 
As we approach Christmas, as we are giving and receiving gift, let us embrace the BEST GIFT OF ALL!  Our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST!  I’m telling you, that’s a gift worth shouting about!  He gives us so many benefits, and most of all, He gives us LIFE! 
I pray that everyone have a very special Christmas this year and I will end it with the words of Nat King Cole, “It’s been said, many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to You!
Stay Hopeful,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The other day as I was getting gas, I saw on the news where a homeless man found $3000 and turned it in. The homeless person stated that he started to keep it but decided to turn it in b/c it didn’t belong to him.  I wrestled with this for a while b/c I couldn’t understand how a person being homeless (without and in need) could give up so much.  Without a doubt, this could have done so much for him.  Surely he could have used it.

Today as I sit thinking about this, this scripture came to mind- Mark 8:36: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Now of course $3000 is not the whole world but to a homeless person, $3000 is a lot!  But in other words, sometimes what we think is valuable or a lot may really be nothing and what we deem as invaluable and less important, can be worth a whole lot- even priceless. 

I am encouraged today to know that by this homeless man acts, because he decided to return the money (which belonged to a college student), he gained so much more.  Others saw what he did and gave many donations to him.  So in the end, he gained more than what he would have if he would have kept the $3000 in the beginning. 

There is a lesson to be learned in all things and I think the lesson I learned from this is to always guard what matters most.  My soul!  My relationship with Christ!  Every man has his own convictions and it is my prayer that no matter what the situation is, we acknowledge our convictions and choose Christ first!  Again, no matter what the situation may be, choose Christ first!  Another scripture comes to mind, Matthew 6:21- For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  It all boils down to, choices and convictions- what do you value most? 

Stay Hopeful,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


This week I have been going through some things and will admit have been a little worried about some things that I need.  Let me just say that it is good to have good strong spiritual friends in hard times.  They might not be able to even help you financially, materially or anything like that but if they can give an encouraging word, pray with and for you, and even fast with you, stop and give God praise for those kinds of friends right now! 
Anyhoo! After speaking to a good friend of mine last night on the phone about my situation, she sent me a text message today that read, “I want to encourage that God’s hand is still stretched out forth!  He is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD!”  WOW!  So in other words; no matter what it is, He is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD!  No if, ands or buts about it. 
I am a firm believer of the power of the tongue!  I believe that if we confess a thing, it shall come to pass!  I believe we have what we say.  So starting right now, I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that no matter what my needs are, God is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD!  When I look at my situation and can see there is no way, I will confess with my mouth, God is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD!  When the devil tries to whisper disbelief in my ear, which he does so often, I will respond back to him, God is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD! 
I encourage you today to get this word in your spirit and in your mouth!  No matter what it is, remember, there is nothing too hard for God!  Absolutely nothing!  Regardless what it looks like, know that, God is able and He will make a way!  PERIOD!  No if, ands or buts about it! 
Stay Hopeful,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A friend of mine had a status that said, “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining.  I believe in love, even when I feel it not.  I believe in God, even when He is silent.”  I asked her what made her post it and she began to tell me about a story she read about a Jew at a concentration camp.  He said something about the ability of holding on to your faith and that it hit her b/c he was in the worst of conditions and still believed.
This got me to thinking about my own life and trials and tribulations.  It also got me to thinking about others that I know that have truly gone through some rough things and also the ones who are going through some horrific things now.  I am reminded of the scripture that says, None of these things move me (Acts 20:24)
Life is full of uncertainties and many problems, but we must stay strong in our faith.  Sometimes we might get weary, but we must stay strong in our faith.  We might have questions as to WHY?, but we must stay strong in our faith.  We must continue to believe that God is.  We must be like Paul and able to say that no matter what’s going on, none of these things move me!
So I end this blog with a similar quote from my friend,
I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. 
I believe in love, even when I feel it not. 
I believe in God, even when He is silent.
Regardless of what I am going through, I believe in GOD!  None of these things move me! 
Stay Hopeful,

Monday, December 6, 2010


Have you ever found yourself in a place where you reacted to something in a certain way and after it was over with, you thought about it and wished you wouldn’t have done what you did?  I know…it’s a bomber isn’t it? 
Often times we act before we think and this can be very dangerous to our life overall.  There are many who are in jail today b/c they acted first without thinking about the consequences.  A lot of times this is caused by ANGER.  Uncontrolled anger!   Anger can be a very dangerous thing if it is not dealt with in a proper manner.  This is why the word says to be angry and sin not.  It also says, in all thy ways we should acknowledge God and he will direct our path.  This is in all we do, especially when we are getting ready to do something out of this world! 
I know many times it is easier said than done, but we will never learn if we never try.  We must learn to not always act so instantaneously off of things that will possibly have a negative impact on our lives and even those who are a part of our lives such as, our kids, friends, family, etc., because everything we do in life does affect others in our lives. 
I’m always reminded of God warning Cain before he killed Abel that sin was lurking at the door.  He was warning him that the thing brewing in his heart was danger and he needed to get a grip on it, before it took control of him, however, he didn’t master his anger and did something tragic.  Sometimes we can try to retract what we do but in most cases such as this one with Cain, we can’t take back what we do or may have done, and then we are left with the consequences that follow. 
With that being said, this is why I created Empowerment by Choice ( for youth and young adults.  It is a motivational presentation that I present to youth and young adult groups to teach them how their choices impact their future in ways they may never think about.  However, this is a message for all of us today. 
Today, I pray that we become people who will think first before we act and before we speak (because words have so much power), especially in times of anger.  I pray that we learn to acknowledge God in all that we do, and especially in times of retaliation. 
Stay Hopeful,

Friday, December 3, 2010


Ever since my husband and I have been married, I made it mandatory that we kiss before either one of us leaves home to begin our day.  Recently, I was upset with him and decided I wasn’t going to kiss him good-bye this particular morning.  By the time I made it down the highway good, my cell phone ringed.  When I answered, there was a voice saying, “Um, what’s your problem?  You didn’t give me my kiss this morning!”  The next morning as I was preparing to leave the house, my husband said to me, “Don’t make the same mistake you did yesterday and leave without giving me a kiss.”
Often times, we don’t realize that something so small has the biggest impact in our lives.  Just as this kiss had an impact on our day, so does things like prayer in the morning, reading our Word daily or going to church on a regular basis.  After speaking with a young lady on last evening, she mentioned to me how she had lost connection with God.  She spoke on how she hadn’t been to church in a while and how so many things are going on in her life and marriage.
Whenever we stop doing the “small things” that matters, it has a large impact and affect in our lives and sometimes we don’t even notice it right away.  There is a danger in leaving anything unattended for long periods of time (in the natural or spiritually).  I am not saying that just because you pray, read the Bible and/or go to church that you won’t have problems, b/c God knows I have my share, BUT I can honestly tell you that it is better to go through anything with God than without Him.  There is nothing like being able to draw from the power of God from within yourself when going through something. 
As a lesson to myself, regardless of the problems or situations, regardless of how mad I might be, it is still mandatory to kiss my husband before either of us leaves the house.  It is just as mandatory for us to continue to do the little things to stay in fellowship with the Father on a daily basis, so when trials do come, we will have something to stand on.  His word, His promises, His love and mostly, HIM! 

Stay Hopeful,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It was less than a month before my youngest daughter had lost her new Nintendo DSI that she desired to have so much that she begged her father like every day.   So for her birthday, that’s what he gave her, the desires of her heart.  I do understand that at age 10, they may not be as responsible with things as some of us are as adults, but you would think if a person really wanted something that bad, they would be a little more careful with it.  Well needless to say, my baby girl was very heartbroken.
I thought about all the things we might ask for in life (in the natural as well as spiritual).  How do we handle or care for those things?  In the natural, that might be a house, a car, a spouse, kids, etc; in the spiritual, that might be a closer walk with God, a gift or the anointing!  Either way, there is a responsibility to everything we gain naturally and spiritually, for we are only stewards over anything that we have.  Yes, we work, Yes, we paid for it with our money, but it still belongs to God!  Everything belongs to God and he is entrusting us with everything and everyone he places in our lives.  Yes, the child that gets on our last nerves and the husband or wife that has become a bugaboo too! 
I was once told by a friend that she needed a bigger house, but she said to me, “Why would God bless me with a bigger house and I can’t even keep this single wide trailer cleaned?”  That really got me to thinking about how I keep my house and don’t even mention my car.  I haven’t made it there yet, but I am definitely making a more conscious effort.
Spiritually, our anointing is very priceless, and often times we can be too careless with it by allowing ourselves to hang around the wrong places/people.  Our daily walk with God is just as important, but not always do we value our walk or relationship with Him.  These are very important b/c if things/people ever disappear, we can be sure that God will always be there!  
As we embark on Christmas, let’s be thankful for all that God has already entrusted to us and be ready for the new things to come! 
Stay Hopeful,