Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My husband has been studying tirelessly for weeks for different tests he has to take for certification/licensing for his Aviation Mechanic license.  So, he just took one of his tests and texted me when finished and said, “I made an 88; it was HARD.”  I responded with, “But you passed!” 
Often times we go through many tests and trials in life that are really hard.  I’ve learned that what may seem easy to some may not be easy to others and what may seem hard to some may not be hard to others.  Why?   Because we are all different and what may be a temptation or struggle for one, may not be the same temptation or struggle for another.  The enemy knows this and so he doesn’t waste time tempting and bothering us with things that he know we don’t care about.   But its b/c he knows us oh too well and knows what we struggle with the most and it is in those things that the tests can be difficult at passing.  Doesn’t mean that you will flunk it, but baby, you will have a challenge. 
So persevere and keep studying.  Your tests may be hard, you may even struggle a little with it, but you can pass with the help of the Lord!  Believe in yourself but most of all, believe in your God!  Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!  1 John 4:4
Stay Hopeful,

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