Thursday, November 11, 2010


Today I wanted to share a very powerful piece from a good friend, Raaw'el Letrice Ware! 

Spiritual birth is a lot like natural birth but some people just don't get it. Thought I'd take a moment to break it down as simplistically as possible.
We are born with at least three "selves"- the natural physical self that we know, the physical self that others know of us AND the spiritual self that was here before we came and it will be the self that transitions to another place as it exits the vessel in which it lives temporarily.  Lets focus on the latter- the spiritual self. Before i do, i do not claim to know everything. As Scorate's said, "As for me, all I know is that I know nothing."

From the moment you enter the New World (spiritual realm or consciousness or awakening), often there is crying that precedes your entry. I will not suggest that this crying is due to pain, hurt, or even happiness but we can agree that there is often an "e" motion  (enerG in motion) that comes with you when the inner child comes from the waters of the womb ( NO man can give this- It comes through the reproductive system of the woman -unless man has taken  it in his hand and controlled this as Man has done many things but that's another topic).
 Inside the placenta you grew and everything you needed was provided for you. I was designed & CREATED that way.

You are born of spirit when you accept that YOU alone can not do LIFE alone. When you accept that there is a supernatural all powerful, all knowing creator who can guide you through this journey - you want to yield and trust in this Divine Sovereign Elohim (אֱלהִים) Most High God to direct your path.
So you are cleaned up and washed off (some can consider this baptismal) but this does not mean you will never get dirty again- NO. We still have to keep cleansing & purifying ourselves. I don't mean repeat baptismal but keep cleansing our hearts, minds & spirits because we live in the same dirty, sinful world (& body).
You need milk first-(1Peter 2:2 & 1Corthn 3:2)  this is prayer and worship songs that build the spirit (sort of like lullabies) to "COMFORT" you as you grow. Note that although you are born in the spirit it does NOT mean you automatically have the TRUE Comforter (Holy Spirit). This is why you can meet people who have been involved in religion for many years and yet they have not matured or grown past pews and pride.
You need to be read to first NOT interpreted to but like small children as you grow you will ask your questions.
You then move to creamy foods as you learn to sit up on your own (read for yourself). You become more alert. You recognize the voice of the one who is feeding you; you begin to form  an attachment.
 Now you began to crawl and pull up- You know what the book is but you still have yet to know the benefits. This means you recognize things.
You begin to try & stand & walk- you walk and you fall- and again-
YOU walk and you fall - You may result back to certain habits, is what i mean, as you are trying to get it together- Its part of the process- Don't beat yourself up. But what baby falls and decided never to walk again? This would be spiritual retardation and still there are people who never make it past the first few stages of development.
 You move from infant to toddler to teen- growing and knowing- learning & exploring. You absolutely know there are growing pains as you reach spiritual puberty.You can apply the WORD to your life.
With proper training your are progressing the "right way" BUT NOTE: even those who are "born again of the spirit" can be taken away or given away to the wrong spiritual family." Think about this. See, there is a yearning inside of us to feel appreciated and accepted but some people are lead astray to cults and false GODs. In addition this can be a stage of what is known as back sliding or the prodigal of the spirit. One who knows the Father and His WAYS yet choose to misuse the birthright.
We  each have a journey to take.  We come to cross roads and wide roads that look like short cuts but the road to salvation is via a narrow difficult often hard and lonely road. It is filled with valleys BUT we come across green pastures with cool still waters from time to time. ANd we come across, brothers, sisters, labors, servant  and kind strangers (Angles in disguise-Hebrews 13:2)  who encourage us until we come to the transition period.

On our spiritual walk we must realize that we can never stop learning. We can pull over and rest or even ask for direction (at the Filling Stations) because it is important but we must keep moving. Some people want to STAY at the rest stop for too long. We should never stop growing and knowing more about the ONE who loves us. I would say this is the same as all relationships. We have to keep learning things about the one we love until that day of transition. No matter what anyone says, death is a transition whether one believes there is nothing on the other side- one still transitions from life to death. AND personally, i would rather serve GOD and be wrong about the other side than NOT serve GOD and find out that GOD "IS" on the other side. Anyway, just think, what could it hurt to serve GOD, and love your brothers and sisters, try not to lie, steal, cheat or hurt each other. What is so wrong with doing right?

Never lose hope,



  1. WOW!!! This is the most inspiring, encouraging writing from a person of God that I've read. That has truly opened my eyes to a lot of things, as well as given me a boost in my Spirit. Thank you for your words of encouragement.♥

  2. Thanks lannienjay! Check back daily for more encoragement! Glad you stopped by!
