Friday, November 12, 2010


Yesterday I received a call from my sister regarding an issue she was having with forgiveness.   She said that she has forgiven but it keeps coming back up within her and the ones who are oppressing her are ever before her still causing havoc in her life.    My sister began to pour out of her heart and tell me that she knows that she must forgive and she knows that she can’t be forgiven if she doesn’t forgive.  Because she knows what’s right, she seeks prayer and help.
Often times we go through things in life and there are times we will find that although we know what is right to do, that it is the hardest to do.  Forgiveness is a great example b/c, most of us have experienced some serious hurts and pains in our lives caused by others.  Whether that is an ex, a parent, a friend, etc., some of us have really been scarred. 
What I would like to tell you today is that sometimes we will not be able to overcome a thing on our own.  We MUST draw from the power of God.  Whether that be an addiction, a loss, heartbreak, or an offense, some things can’t be done in our own strength or power. 

Now back to forgiveness.  When we look at Matthew 18:21 & 22: NIV (21) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I fogive my brother or sister who sins against me?  Up to seven times?"  (22) Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

What I like about this scripture is that it doesn’t just imply that someone may sin against you more than once, but it says, HOW MANY TIMES SHALL I FORGIVE THAT PERSON THAT SINS AGAINST ME?  Yes, every time someone sins against you, we are required to forgive, but even if someone only sins against you once but this thing that they did is like the most horrible thing you can do to someone, and although you said you forgive and feel like you had forgiven them but something happens and you’re faced with those same ill feelings again, guess what?  Forgive again.  And again!  And again! Whether that is yearly, monthly, daily, hourly or even by the minute.  How ever many times its takes.  Choose to forgive!  Choose to be free!  Choose to be an overcomer!  And what you find you can’t do within your own power, seek God for help! 

Remember that forgiveness is more for you than the offender!  Remember that you can be honest with God about how you feel about anyone or anything!  Remember that He is waiting to help you overcome anything!!!!
Stay hopeful,

1 comment:

  1. Great post Clarissa, Forgive also means to give-for which means we are giving up something that has held us in bondage! Again, great post!
