Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A sister in Christ came to me and expressed her feelings toward something I said or the way I said what I said.   Now me, I’m not one to keep up confusion nor am I big on doing or saying things deliberately to hurt someone, however, that doesn’t mean that I may not offend or hurt someone.  In this situation that was brought to my attention, I totally disagree with her reasoning behind what she feels, but because of the way she feels, I felt the right thing to do was to apologize.  Not about what I did or said because I have a right to my own beliefs and opinions, but more so in the way I did it or said it.  My apology was definitely sincere but even when we hung up the phone, I could tell she still was not satisfied. 
Now, I’m left pondering deep in thought……..Possibly over processing it, but, what do you do when someone claims to be offended and you don’t agree with what they are saying?  To God I go…….
Please understand that there are many examples that can be given on offending someone, but the truth of the matter is, everything we say or do will not always be accepted by everyone and it doesn’t matter if they are Christian or not.  Please understand that you are not held accountable for other people inner issues but you must always be held accountable for your own.  What do you mean?   Some people are more emotional than others, some people doesn’t like to be challenged, and some people are just very easily offended regardless what you do.   
It is my belief that people can disagree on a subject and still have a relationship.  I believe that just because you see the glass half full and I see it half empty isn’t grounds for a divorce.  What am I saying?  There are no 2 people just alike and everyone has a right to their own opinions about things, and it really doesn’t mean that you’re right and I’m wrong or vice versa; it is what it is, an opinion.  However, I also understand that there is a difference between an opinion and what is actually true, and we as Christians should always seek truth, even if the truth offends someone. 
If you find yourself in a situation where you have may have offended someone but don’t agree with them, pray for guidance.  Pray for discernment!  Pray and ask Him to show you in order to know if you really are the problem or is it something much deeper that only God can fix.
Stay Hopeful,

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