Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Lately I have been having some behavior issues with my youngest daughter.  Not to the point that she can be labeled but just some things that I as a parent dislikes and desire to get a handle on immediately.  Anyway, last night I dreamed that I had baked three cakes and left them on the kitchen table.  I gave my daughter specific orders to not touch the cakes at all b/c they were made for someone else and didn’t belong to us (although a dream, this part really did happen). 
In the dream, my daughter demolished the two red velvet cakes and I was raged with anger.  It’s amazing how you can feel all kinds of emotions in your dreams.  Anyhoo, the dream ended but I never woke up.  I just remember my spirit taking over and speaking, “Lord I thank you for obedient children.”  Whoooooooooaaaaaaaaa!  For me, this was like a slap upside the head B/C I know this!!!!  I have done this before in other situations, and IT WORKED!  What in the world is wrong was I thinking about?  Sure we are suppose to punish our children when they are disobedient but we should always cover them in prayer.  Speak life into them as well as over them. 
Okay, so I just had like a serious  re-epiphany !  The bible tells us we can call those things that be not at though they were (Romans 4:17).  So in this season of thanks, let’s give thanks for all things, especially those things that we are believing God for.  Not just one time, but we must do these things daily.  We must be people of faith.  Speaking, “Lord I thank you for obedient children”  “Lord I thank you for a faithful husband”  “Lord I thank you all my needs are met” “Lord I thank you for restoring my marriage”  Your turn!  Speak those things sweetie that be not as though they already are!  If you are able to believe it, without doubting, (no matter what it looks like) you shall have what you say! (James 1:6)  Happy Thanksgiving!
Stay Hopeful,

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This morning as I was preparing for work, the burdens of a trial were heavily weighing upon my shoulders.  As I began to call upon the name of Jesus, tears began to flow.  While crying, I recalled the scripture that says, this poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.  Ps 34:6.  WOW!
Hey YOU, yes YOU, the one on your knees crying; YOU, riding in your car, crying; YOU, locked in the bathroom, crying; YOU, on your face, crying, YOU, who can’t even muffle any words in prayer but you’re crying…….Can I encourage you today to let you know that He heard you, and he’s coming to your rescue!  There is nothing like knowing that someone has your back.   

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A sister in Christ came to me and expressed her feelings toward something I said or the way I said what I said.   Now me, I’m not one to keep up confusion nor am I big on doing or saying things deliberately to hurt someone, however, that doesn’t mean that I may not offend or hurt someone.  In this situation that was brought to my attention, I totally disagree with her reasoning behind what she feels, but because of the way she feels, I felt the right thing to do was to apologize.  Not about what I did or said because I have a right to my own beliefs and opinions, but more so in the way I did it or said it.  My apology was definitely sincere but even when we hung up the phone, I could tell she still was not satisfied. 
Now, I’m left pondering deep in thought……..Possibly over processing it, but, what do you do when someone claims to be offended and you don’t agree with what they are saying?  To God I go…….
Please understand that there are many examples that can be given on offending someone, but the truth of the matter is, everything we say or do will not always be accepted by everyone and it doesn’t matter if they are Christian or not.  Please understand that you are not held accountable for other people inner issues but you must always be held accountable for your own.  What do you mean?   Some people are more emotional than others, some people doesn’t like to be challenged, and some people are just very easily offended regardless what you do.   
It is my belief that people can disagree on a subject and still have a relationship.  I believe that just because you see the glass half full and I see it half empty isn’t grounds for a divorce.  What am I saying?  There are no 2 people just alike and everyone has a right to their own opinions about things, and it really doesn’t mean that you’re right and I’m wrong or vice versa; it is what it is, an opinion.  However, I also understand that there is a difference between an opinion and what is actually true, and we as Christians should always seek truth, even if the truth offends someone. 
If you find yourself in a situation where you have may have offended someone but don’t agree with them, pray for guidance.  Pray for discernment!  Pray and ask Him to show you in order to know if you really are the problem or is it something much deeper that only God can fix.
Stay Hopeful,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I recently read something with the heading, THIS IS A BRAND NEW DAY! 

Unfortunately we are gonna face hard days; depressing days; sad days and so on, but understand that our today does not have to be a repeat of the days before. The NO we received yesterday shouldn’t stop us from being persistent TODAY. In other words, this is a form of FAITH; just because it didn’t happen yesterday, the days before, or even today, we are not to give up, we are to keep pressing and looking forward to it happening.

For those of us that has ever experienced waiting on a check in the mail; we know it’s coming, but just not sure the day. So we go to the mailbox today and if it’s not there, we go back the next day and so on until we get it. Why is it that we give up on God so quick? It is the same thing; therefore we have to first know that without a shadow of a doubt, it’s coming-----no matter what, it’s coming. If it doesn’t come today, it’s coming tomorrow. If it doesn’t come tomorrow, it’s coming the next day!

I will even take it a step further. Think about kids, them jokers will ask you for something one minute and you will tell them NO, NOT TODAY, I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY, WHATEVER; but that don’t stop them from asking again tomorrow or even hours later…..that’s b/c they don’t think so deep into it…..they think like this (she said no today, so tomorrow, I’ll ask again); then of course we get mad and say-----DON’T ASK ME NO MORE! LOL……So whatever you are seeking for from the Lord, whether that be healing, finances, spouses, cars, spiritual direction or whatever; don’t give up….

Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." NOTE - The word "wait" in this verse implies a positive action of hope, based on knowing that the Word of God is a true fact and that it will soon come to pass - waiting with earnest expectation! EXPECTANCY IS THE BREEDING GROUND FOR MIRACLES- REMEMBER, if it didn’t happen yesterday, then come with an attitude saying, THIS IS A BRAND NEW DAY! Even if it don’t happen today, then wake up tomorrow with an attitude that, TODAY IS A BRAND NEW DAY!

Monday, November 15, 2010


The other day I had a very important meeting to attend, but when I was preparing to leave work, I couldn’t find my keys.  I mean, I searched everywhere.  I looked in my purse, my bag that I carry paper and my work in, I looked around my desk, under the desk, in the desk,  the lost and found and even in the car itself, but still couldn’t find my keys.   After 30 minutes of searching, I was a little frustrated because I know I had them b/c that’s how I got to work in the first place, and I am running far behind time and there is no way I can even get to my appointment on time. 
After another 15 minutes, after walking back inside the building and back to my car, I decided to take flip the purse upside down as well as my carrying tote bag with my work in, and guess what I found, my keys, inside of a folder with papers.  Apparently when I dropped them in my bag, they slipped inside of a folder very tightly and secure.  I was definitely relieved b/c even though I might not make the meeting on time, I might still be able to get there. 
After thinking about this little incident,  I visualized me spiritually seeking and looking for things I’ve lost in the spirit, things such as peace, love, hope, faith, joy, and even just my close relationship with Christ (which brings all of the prior). The questions I asked myself while looking for my keys, was the same questions I was asking myself in the spirit; “Where exactly was I?”  “When was the last time I seen them?”  “What was I doing?”  “Who was I talking to when I may have gotten distracted?” 
Although very vital, sometimes in life, we actually walk away from or lose closeness with Christ.   Some due to carelessness, some due to uncontrollable circumstances, some due to ignorance- just not having the knowledge, but whatever and however, we lost it.  We lost our joy, we lost our peace, we lost our love for others, we lost our trust and faith in God, we lost closeness with God.  The question is though; what happened?  Was it when I was young?  How about when I met Mr. He So Fine or Ms. She Got It Going On?  Maybe it was when I got that job or when I started hanging out with my friends?  Maybe when I stopped going to church or when I stopped reading my bible every day?  Or maybe when I stopped praying altogether?  But somewhere along the way, I lost something very valuable and at this point in my life, I need it.  I am trying to go somewhere and I can’t make it to my destination without it. 
I’m reminded of a scripture, Hebrews 11:6- (NIV) And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him.  What am I saying to you?  If you are in this place, or ever find yourself in this place, I say to you, seek hard, it’s there b/c remember, you had it once before, Just like my keys!  Seek til you find what you are looking for.  Don’t get tired!  Don’t get frustrated and give up, b/c you’ll never find what you are looking for.   The amplified says it like this- He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out.
I always give an example of kids in an Easter egg hunt.  As they began to search with nothing in their bags, they have it within themselves, “I’m gonna find me some eggs!”  They are turning up rocks, looking in bushes, seeking, and when they find one egg, they get excited and keep looking for more and more.  As you began to search in the Word and seek Him, He will reveal things to you.  He is truly a rewarder to them who earnestly and diligently seek Him.  Now get to searching and find what it is you are looking for, we gotta go somewhere! 
Stay Hopeful,

Friday, November 12, 2010


Yesterday I received a call from my sister regarding an issue she was having with forgiveness.   She said that she has forgiven but it keeps coming back up within her and the ones who are oppressing her are ever before her still causing havoc in her life.    My sister began to pour out of her heart and tell me that she knows that she must forgive and she knows that she can’t be forgiven if she doesn’t forgive.  Because she knows what’s right, she seeks prayer and help.
Often times we go through things in life and there are times we will find that although we know what is right to do, that it is the hardest to do.  Forgiveness is a great example b/c, most of us have experienced some serious hurts and pains in our lives caused by others.  Whether that is an ex, a parent, a friend, etc., some of us have really been scarred. 
What I would like to tell you today is that sometimes we will not be able to overcome a thing on our own.  We MUST draw from the power of God.  Whether that be an addiction, a loss, heartbreak, or an offense, some things can’t be done in our own strength or power. 

Now back to forgiveness.  When we look at Matthew 18:21 & 22: NIV (21) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I fogive my brother or sister who sins against me?  Up to seven times?"  (22) Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

What I like about this scripture is that it doesn’t just imply that someone may sin against you more than once, but it says, HOW MANY TIMES SHALL I FORGIVE THAT PERSON THAT SINS AGAINST ME?  Yes, every time someone sins against you, we are required to forgive, but even if someone only sins against you once but this thing that they did is like the most horrible thing you can do to someone, and although you said you forgive and feel like you had forgiven them but something happens and you’re faced with those same ill feelings again, guess what?  Forgive again.  And again!  And again! Whether that is yearly, monthly, daily, hourly or even by the minute.  How ever many times its takes.  Choose to forgive!  Choose to be free!  Choose to be an overcomer!  And what you find you can’t do within your own power, seek God for help! 

Remember that forgiveness is more for you than the offender!  Remember that you can be honest with God about how you feel about anyone or anything!  Remember that He is waiting to help you overcome anything!!!!
Stay hopeful,

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Today I wanted to share a very powerful piece from a good friend, Raaw'el Letrice Ware! 

Spiritual birth is a lot like natural birth but some people just don't get it. Thought I'd take a moment to break it down as simplistically as possible.
We are born with at least three "selves"- the natural physical self that we know, the physical self that others know of us AND the spiritual self that was here before we came and it will be the self that transitions to another place as it exits the vessel in which it lives temporarily.  Lets focus on the latter- the spiritual self. Before i do, i do not claim to know everything. As Scorate's said, "As for me, all I know is that I know nothing."

From the moment you enter the New World (spiritual realm or consciousness or awakening), often there is crying that precedes your entry. I will not suggest that this crying is due to pain, hurt, or even happiness but we can agree that there is often an "e" motion  (enerG in motion) that comes with you when the inner child comes from the waters of the womb ( NO man can give this- It comes through the reproductive system of the woman -unless man has taken  it in his hand and controlled this as Man has done many things but that's another topic).
 Inside the placenta you grew and everything you needed was provided for you. I was designed & CREATED that way.

You are born of spirit when you accept that YOU alone can not do LIFE alone. When you accept that there is a supernatural all powerful, all knowing creator who can guide you through this journey - you want to yield and trust in this Divine Sovereign Elohim (אֱלהִים) Most High God to direct your path.
So you are cleaned up and washed off (some can consider this baptismal) but this does not mean you will never get dirty again- NO. We still have to keep cleansing & purifying ourselves. I don't mean repeat baptismal but keep cleansing our hearts, minds & spirits because we live in the same dirty, sinful world (& body).
You need milk first-(1Peter 2:2 & 1Corthn 3:2)  this is prayer and worship songs that build the spirit (sort of like lullabies) to "COMFORT" you as you grow. Note that although you are born in the spirit it does NOT mean you automatically have the TRUE Comforter (Holy Spirit). This is why you can meet people who have been involved in religion for many years and yet they have not matured or grown past pews and pride.
You need to be read to first NOT interpreted to but like small children as you grow you will ask your questions.
You then move to creamy foods as you learn to sit up on your own (read for yourself). You become more alert. You recognize the voice of the one who is feeding you; you begin to form  an attachment.
 Now you began to crawl and pull up- You know what the book is but you still have yet to know the benefits. This means you recognize things.
You begin to try & stand & walk- you walk and you fall- and again-
YOU walk and you fall - You may result back to certain habits, is what i mean, as you are trying to get it together- Its part of the process- Don't beat yourself up. But what baby falls and decided never to walk again? This would be spiritual retardation and still there are people who never make it past the first few stages of development.
 You move from infant to toddler to teen- growing and knowing- learning & exploring. You absolutely know there are growing pains as you reach spiritual puberty.You can apply the WORD to your life.
With proper training your are progressing the "right way" BUT NOTE: even those who are "born again of the spirit" can be taken away or given away to the wrong spiritual family." Think about this. See, there is a yearning inside of us to feel appreciated and accepted but some people are lead astray to cults and false GODs. In addition this can be a stage of what is known as back sliding or the prodigal of the spirit. One who knows the Father and His WAYS yet choose to misuse the birthright.
We  each have a journey to take.  We come to cross roads and wide roads that look like short cuts but the road to salvation is via a narrow difficult often hard and lonely road. It is filled with valleys BUT we come across green pastures with cool still waters from time to time. ANd we come across, brothers, sisters, labors, servant  and kind strangers (Angles in disguise-Hebrews 13:2)  who encourage us until we come to the transition period.

On our spiritual walk we must realize that we can never stop learning. We can pull over and rest or even ask for direction (at the Filling Stations) because it is important but we must keep moving. Some people want to STAY at the rest stop for too long. We should never stop growing and knowing more about the ONE who loves us. I would say this is the same as all relationships. We have to keep learning things about the one we love until that day of transition. No matter what anyone says, death is a transition whether one believes there is nothing on the other side- one still transitions from life to death. AND personally, i would rather serve GOD and be wrong about the other side than NOT serve GOD and find out that GOD "IS" on the other side. Anyway, just think, what could it hurt to serve GOD, and love your brothers and sisters, try not to lie, steal, cheat or hurt each other. What is so wrong with doing right?

Never lose hope,


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My husband has been studying tirelessly for weeks for different tests he has to take for certification/licensing for his Aviation Mechanic license.  So, he just took one of his tests and texted me when finished and said, “I made an 88; it was HARD.”  I responded with, “But you passed!” 
Often times we go through many tests and trials in life that are really hard.  I’ve learned that what may seem easy to some may not be easy to others and what may seem hard to some may not be hard to others.  Why?   Because we are all different and what may be a temptation or struggle for one, may not be the same temptation or struggle for another.  The enemy knows this and so he doesn’t waste time tempting and bothering us with things that he know we don’t care about.   But its b/c he knows us oh too well and knows what we struggle with the most and it is in those things that the tests can be difficult at passing.  Doesn’t mean that you will flunk it, but baby, you will have a challenge. 
So persevere and keep studying.  Your tests may be hard, you may even struggle a little with it, but you can pass with the help of the Lord!  Believe in yourself but most of all, believe in your God!  Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!  1 John 4:4
Stay Hopeful,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sometime ago, I met a beautiful young lady who was a little older than I and she looked marvelous.  She had grown children and she still looked flawless; shape and everything, but for whatever reason, she was not pleased or satisfied with herself and decided to have surgery.  For the life of me still to this day, I couldn’t understand that, b/c most people that I know that undergo such a surgery is….well large, however, this chick didn’t have any fat, rolls or nothing (only us big girls know what I’m talking about)! 
From the outside, she appeared to be beautiful, fine and quite sexy, but on the inside, there is another story going on within her.  This reminds me of Hannah in the bible.  Elkanah couldn’t understand why she was so down, when he was giving her everything a girl could want and even more.  The story on the inside of her was that she was longing for something so much deeper and unfortunately her husband couldn’t give it to her. 
Perhaps we find ourselves battling with one story on the outside versus another story on the inside.  Have you ever said to yourself or to others, “If they only knew!”?  If the world could really read the story on the inside, I wonder often would they be able to handle it.  Will they be in suspense because they are thinking one thing based off of what they see, but as the pages are turned, they become more and more confused and shocked at what is being revealed?  Would they read a comedy that will give them many laughs, or maybe a story line filled with a lot of heartache and pain that will cause them to shed many tears.  Perhaps they might read a horror story that will give them the scare of their lives.  Whatever the story is, I’m sure one cannot read its content with the natural eye.  I’m sure that whatever the story is, the ending of the story will not be complete with a surgery that will leave a scar, regardless the size, but a scar nonetheless on the outside and didn’t do anything for the inside.  
I have lived this story so many times where the world is reading one story but the real story on the inside is constantly replaying to a one person audience and although they would like to turn it off, they can’t.  They would like to see the same thing the world see but most of the time, what the world sees is just a cover never really able to read the details beyond the cover, the flashy colors, fancy writings and catchy titles.  Life lesson:  Never judge a book by its cover! 
My prayer is for those of us who are dealing with issues on the inside that money, clothes, men/women and even surgery cannot fix, that we yield to the one is truly the Author of our soul.  No matter what we long for, no matter how much money we got or they got, no matter how good things seem on the outside, the inside usually is where the real storyline lies and waits to be published.   In the end, we must all seek Christ for complete wholeness!