Back in March, I wrote:
I Will Not Let You Die!
I’ve noticed it for quite some time that she had been falling off.Week after week, she was looking weaker and weaker.I didn’t know exactly what I should do for her, so as much as I wanted to help, I didn’t do anything for her at all. Besides watered her, I just watched.
Today was a little different as I was sitting here looking at my plant in her current state, I felt compel to move and do something to try and save her fragile life. Although just a plant, it symbolizes life at its best. And I feel that as long as there is life, there is always a chance. Always hope.
There are several ways we can look at this, but let me just flow with it for a minute. Sometimes we have good seasons and sometimes not so good seasons. We flourish, we grow, we bloom and we excel. Then there are times when we are down and out, sickly and frail, and more vulnerable to our environments. Sometimes we’re strong.And then other times we’re weak. Those are just some of the same stages a plant may go through.
As an observer, my heart began to ache at the declining health of the plant. I remembered when she was so full and pretty. She was growing and everyone that saw her complimented on her beauty. J ust seeing her made me smile. But now what? Now that she needs me the most, do I just turn my back on her and let her die. Do I just sit and watch her deteriorate?
Have you ever been in a situation where you saw someone in pain or in need and wanted to do something to help them? I believe this is where God was with us. We were sick. We were dying and He couldn’t and wouldn’t allow us to die. He sent a Savior- someone to save us from ALL sickness (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally). He sent someone to heal the broken-hearted and to lift the heavy burdened.
The more I thought about how God’s love for us demonstrates RESTORATION- The process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition—which is wholeness, I decided to no longer sit and just watch her die. As a matter of fact, “I refuse to let her die,” is what I told myself.
I will do all that I can to restore her back to her original state.I will nurture it, pour into it, and I will even SPEAK life back into it. I refuse to let her die. I refuse to let you die! So, no matter what you may be dealing with today, no matter how bad you may be hurting today, don't give up, help is on the way! Know that God loves you and wants you whole. Know that there is absolutely nothing too hard for God. Respond to his love. Respond to his voice, and watch and see how you bloom.
Stay Hopeful,
Today, I write: Look at my plant!
There's nothing like seeing what you put so much work into flourish! I'm so glad I didn't give up on her! Had you seen her before, you would understand the joy I feel. Let me inspire and encourage you to not give up on that thing that looks DEAD or HOPELESS! Your marriage, your career, your children, your life---whatever it is---I ask you---Can it live? I hope you say YES!
Hope is the only thing more powerful than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous.- The Hunger Games
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I Didn't Give Up
don't give up,
give up,
giving up,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Are You Committed?

It has been a long time since I've posted a blog. It has literally been three months, and I honestly must say, that is too long. I could give you many excuses, but what good would that do? I'm sure some of you will be understanding and then some of you may not care at all. But the truth is--I'm not satisfied or happy about it. I believe that when we commit ourselves to something, we should do our best to fulfill the task that we have committed ourselves to.
At this point, I'm not sure what "satisfaction" looks like when it comes to posting blogs, but three months of nothing is waaaay too long. What if this was the only inspiration someone in the world looked to, to be encouraged or inspired? Well in three months of nothing, wouldn't you say I let them down? Absolutely!
I guess a good question would be--what is committment? Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. (definition courtesy of Wikipedia). Another defintion is an obligation or promise that restricts one's freedom of action (definition courtesy of World English Dictionary). Commitment has everything to do with dedication and being obligated to something or someone. With that being said, we should take all of our commitments seriously. Our marriages, families and/or relationships, our jobs and/or careers, and especially our commitment to God. We can't check in every three months. Something or someone is going to suffer if we do.
Now that I think about it, it is even possible to be so committed to one thing and some of our other commitments are pushed to the back burner because we are only focusing on that one thing. And that one thing can be something good. For example, as an author, I can be so committed to writing books to inspire the world and fail to take care of my home and family. The house is a mess. The hubby and kids have to fix their own dinner. The dog has to walk himself. LOL- You get my point right?
Some of you might say that family should be understanding, but the truth is, when we have more than one thing we have committed to do, we have to learn how to balance everything. How do we do that? I honestly believe the key is through prayer. I truly believe that if we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, He will direct our path--day in and day out. (Proverbs 3:6) He will teach us how to fulfill our commitments. He will show us better ways to do things. He will give us wisdom in how to handle those things.
So today, think about your commitments and take observation. Ask yourself, "Am I truly being committed to this (whatever it is)? If yes, Kudos to you! If not, don't beat yourself up about it, just get in there and do better.
**It's funny how I came in here to post something else, non-related to commitment. Trust and believe that this message is just as much about me, as it is any of you.**
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 NIV
Stay Hopeful,
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Only The Strong Survives
I have been extremely busy within the last month and realized that it had been a minute since I’ve last posted. I pray this word make up for the lost time. Be blessed....
We recently just moved, and so I decided to set up my fish tank. It has been, I know, every bit of three years since the tank has had fish in it, so we were all pretty excited about getting it back up and running. There’s something so serene about a fish aquarium—watching the fish swim, the water—I love it all! Anyhoo, after the tank was cleaned and set back up, and the fish were purchased; it was only a few days later, we noticed one of the fish looked weak—then he died. After him, another fish expired. All the fish died except for two. To my surprise, even the algae eater died.
After looking closely in the tank, we noticed that all the fish had white spots on them. So I did what only any curious person would do—I went on Google. What I found out was— the fish had been exposed to a disease called Ich.
Apparently, Ich is some type of parasite that is common in tropical fish (unlike our previous fish—we had cichlids. Oh how I miss them now!) The disease is fatal and highly contagious and can easily spread from one fish to the next. If not treated soon enough, the result is death.
Upon the advice of a friend and calling the local Petsmart store, we purchased the recommended medicine to help rid the tank of the issue that was killing off the fish. Out of all the fish that were in the tank, the last two held on until help arrived.
What appealed to me the most out of this situation was the two fish that lived. Just like the other fish, they were also affected by the disease, but they lived. One of them was literally on their last leg (well in this case, last fin) but he would not give up. I was blessed by this one fish persistence and tenacity to live. When it looked like he was out for the count, he would not lie down and die. He would not give up. In the end, only the strong survived.
As I was typing this blog, The Spirit reminded me of a dream I had a few weeks ago where God sent a message to tell His people to learn the gift of resilience. I must show you this:
Resilience- (definition provided by 1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.
2. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.
I see this in the world today. Many are affected by their surroundings. Some self-inflicted and some due to no control of their own, but nevertheless, they are affected, hurting, giving up without a fight, and worst case—dying.
Please know that trials, tribulations, sufferings and yes, sin is rampant in the world, and we are just like the fish. No one is exempt. We are all in the world and will be affected by things throughout life. Yes, some self-induced and some we won’t have any control over, but regardless the situation, God wants you to learn to stand. To be rooted and grounded in Him. To not fall at every crisis and every sin that so easily entangles us. To be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters. To not give up. To learn to be resilient and stand against adversity. Even when you see others falling/dying around you—be persistent and determined to live. You might limp, crawl, or even have to be carried, but if you can just hold on, HELP IS SURELY ON THE WAY. It takes great strength
(which has nothing to do with your muscles and everything to do with your faith and trust in the Lord) and courage to stand during tough times, but you have to give it your best shot because truly, only the strong shall survive.
(which has nothing to do with your muscles and everything to do with your faith and trust in the Lord) and courage to stand during tough times, but you have to give it your best shot because truly, only the strong shall survive.
Stay Hopeful,
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I'm So Lost

Being a man, my husband says, “I think I can go this way and it will be faster.”
Me being me asks, “Why don’t you just go the way the thing is telling you to go?”
He replies, “I got this. Plus, that’s your phone, I don’t trust it.”
“OK,” I said in my “whatever attitude” tone.
As we continued down the road my husband turned on, “Sally” keeps saying, “Make a U-Turn” but I’m sure you know we didn’t make any U-Turns. After we had went so far, “Sally” finally says, “Make a left at the next road.” Because we were out of town and didn’t know exactly where we were, my husband finally decides to listen to “Sally” only to end up back on the same road she was on trying to guide us to in the beginning.
I’m sure you might be saying that navigational systems are not always right or that they don’t always give the best directions, and I totally agree with you. But the difference is, in this case, we were not from this place, never been to this place, and we were completely unfamiliar with the area. Anyhoo, we had had such a great time that day, so there was no need to let this little issue ruin the day, so we looked at each other and laughed. After the laughter subsided, I looked at him and said, “I got my new blog!”
Isn’t this just how we do God sometimes? We ask Him for guidance a lot of times, and when he reveals to us the way or what we have to go through to get there, we try to override what He says and do it our own way. I can see with my vivid imagination, every time we go down a wrong path, or make a wrong turn, or make a wrong decision, or make a wrong choice or date the wrong guy/girl, or say the wrong thing (you get my point, right), He is standing and waving His hands, blowing a whistle, saying, “HEEEEY, YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Sometimes we can get so far off course that we still have to end up going back to Him to get us back on the right path. But the good news is….just like Sally helped us get back on course, God is faithful to do the same.
So today, if you are in need of direction in your life and not sure which way to go, maybe you have made some bad/wrong choices and need help getting back on track….It’s simple….ASK GOD! And when you ask Him, trust what He says.
Here’s what I learned from this little mishap. Never ask God for help or guidance if we are not going to follow what He says. I mean, what’s the purpose. Either you trust Him or you don’t. There’s no such thing as half trust (another blog for another day).
Taken from the New Living Translation: Proverbs 3:5-6, (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. (6) Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Stay Hopeful,
Friday, May 18, 2012
I Just Want OUT

As comical as this may be to some, some of you may be able
to relate to this scenario in more ways than one. Have you ever been or felt like you were
stuck in a situation/sin/trial/cirmcustance and could not get out. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t
free yourself out of your situation.
Well I have, and the feeling of being stuck, in a box, trapped, imprisoned,
incarcerated, helpless, confined, constricted, restricted, restrained, limited,
alone(one of these words should resonate with you and/or your situation)is a
very miserable and uncomfortable place. Everything
you’ve tried, have not worked. Although
you may be in a room full of people, you still feel alone in your
situation. You even drop hints of misery
to your listeners but yet, they still don’t understand. The reality of being trapped is choking the
life out of you and all you want is a way out.
You’re banging on the object that’s holding you hostage and yelling, “HEEELLLLLLP! Let me out!”
While in the situation, the time can tend to seem drawn out
and long. You might even find yourself
frustrated and impatient, while waiting, but don’t panic! Help is on the way! Your Loving Father is getting all the
necessary tools in order to help pry that door open so you can be free. While God is diligent at work, He might need
some assistance from you. He might tell
you to move some things around in your life.
He might tell you to walk away from some things and some people. He might tell you to stop doing some things
you’re doing. He might tell you to pray
more, fast more, seek Him more. Whatever
He tells you to do, just do it and follow His lead. He knows exactly what to do because He
specializes in setting the captives free.
Scripture Reading Isaiah 42: 5-7
(5)This is what God the Lord says—the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out,who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: (6) “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, (7) to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness
Warning: Don’t stand
in the way of the door, b/c once it opens, you don’t want to hit. Only assist where you are needed.
Stay Hopeful,
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Now Don't You Look Silly

Anyhoo, I remember thinking to myself, ‘this guy looks really silly’. However, he’s doing a job that he is being paid to do and no matter how embarrassing or silly it looks, he’s getting the job done. He’s marketing, promoting, and advertising.
So I ask myself, “Clarissa, what are you willing to do to promote yourself, your ministry, and your book? Better yet, what are you willing to do to promote your God?” Then I asked myself, “Are you ashamed of who you are and what you stand for? Are you afraid of what others might say when they see you promoting your brand or your God? Because the bottom line is, being a “lighthouse” everything that I do should somehow reflect the God that I serve, right?
So I learned a lesson from the Little Caesar guy, both in the natural and spiritual. In order to get the business you want, you can’t be afraid or ashamed to market yourself, your brand, your business, your ministry, or whatever. Someone is interested in knowing what you have to offer, what you have to say, or even know the God that you serve? Somebody is going to stop by and patronage your business.
Now, at the end of the day, the little guy will not convince everybody to come to Little Caesar but he will get somebody’s attention. Somebody is going to stop by and patronage the business. In the natural- Don’t be afraid or ashamed to get out there and promote yourself. This is your dollar on the line. Others will share the word, but no one will do it like you can, especially when you are the one that will reap the benefits from it.
In the spiritual- Don’t be afraid to be different for the sake of Christ, for we are a peculiar (strange, odd, uncommon, unusual) people. You will draw the attention of many when you walk right before the Lord. And when the people approach you wanting to know why you are the way you are, be ready to give them a praise report and direct them to Christ! "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9 KJV
Stay Hopeful,
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
Recently, I had the opportunity to donate blood. Although I don't like needles, the thought of possibly helping someone in need makes me feel really really good. So, I try to donate as often as I can because, for all I know, I could be helping save someone's life.
After thinking about the many benefits of me donating blood, I thought about the "Ultimate Blood Donor"! His shedded blood, does so much more and last so much longer than mine could ever do. The blood redeems us, the blood cleanses us, the blood sets us free and most of all, the blood saves us. There are so many benefits in the blood of the Lamb and I want you to know that no matter what you do or have done; no matter how bad you think it is; no matter how disgusting or trifling; I mean, there is nothing you can do or have done that the blood can't clean/erase/cure! The blood really does reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley.
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the devil really didn't know the impact his death would really have on the world.....FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, JOHN 3:16....BUT the blood is so wonderful/powerful/awesome and there is nothing noone can do so bad that the blood can't redeem them from. BUT here is where I get excited! The sam power the blood had the day it was shed, is the same power it has today~ THE BLOOD WILL NEVER EVER LOSE IT'S POWER!!!
The enemy thinks that once you accept Christ as your Savior and if you mess up, that's it, but baby, know this, the blood is still just as effective today as it was yesterday. It is an ever cleansing blood! So perhaps you have fallen, perhaps you have backslidden, and perhaps you have really messed up; THE BLOOD IS STILL EFFECTIVE...confess and repent, the blood will cleanse you AGAIN! Don't let the devil keep you bound in fear...I love Psalm 51....
Lastly, because of this GREAT sacrifice, I never take communion the same. I take it with a humble heart b/c I am so grateful for the blood that was shed. When I take communion, it is totally personal to me, b/c when I think of my past, my dirt, all of my junk, I am GRATEFUL. Then when I think of the times I messed up/ fell/ flaws and how the blood is still evident in my life today, I am even more GRATEFUL...May you embrace the power of the blood of Jesus and May communion never be the same for you again. May each time you partake in a communion, it will be such an experience for you.
In closing, I sing: The blood, that Jesus shed for me. Way back on calvary. The blood that gives me strength from day to day. It will never lose it's power. It reaches to the highest mountain, and it flows to the lowest valley. (oh yeah) The blood that gives me strength, from day to day. It will never lose it's power!
Stay Hopeful,
Clarissa ♥
After thinking about the many benefits of me donating blood, I thought about the "Ultimate Blood Donor"! His shedded blood, does so much more and last so much longer than mine could ever do. The blood redeems us, the blood cleanses us, the blood sets us free and most of all, the blood saves us. There are so many benefits in the blood of the Lamb and I want you to know that no matter what you do or have done; no matter how bad you think it is; no matter how disgusting or trifling; I mean, there is nothing you can do or have done that the blood can't clean/erase/cure! The blood really does reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley.
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the devil really didn't know the impact his death would really have on the world.....FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, JOHN 3:16....BUT the blood is so wonderful/powerful/awesome and there is nothing noone can do so bad that the blood can't redeem them from. BUT here is where I get excited! The sam power the blood had the day it was shed, is the same power it has today~ THE BLOOD WILL NEVER EVER LOSE IT'S POWER!!!
The enemy thinks that once you accept Christ as your Savior and if you mess up, that's it, but baby, know this, the blood is still just as effective today as it was yesterday. It is an ever cleansing blood! So perhaps you have fallen, perhaps you have backslidden, and perhaps you have really messed up; THE BLOOD IS STILL EFFECTIVE...confess and repent, the blood will cleanse you AGAIN! Don't let the devil keep you bound in fear...I love Psalm 51....
Lastly, because of this GREAT sacrifice, I never take communion the same. I take it with a humble heart b/c I am so grateful for the blood that was shed. When I take communion, it is totally personal to me, b/c when I think of my past, my dirt, all of my junk, I am GRATEFUL. Then when I think of the times I messed up/ fell/ flaws and how the blood is still evident in my life today, I am even more GRATEFUL...May you embrace the power of the blood of Jesus and May communion never be the same for you again. May each time you partake in a communion, it will be such an experience for you.
In closing, I sing: The blood, that Jesus shed for me. Way back on calvary. The blood that gives me strength from day to day. It will never lose it's power. It reaches to the highest mountain, and it flows to the lowest valley. (oh yeah) The blood that gives me strength, from day to day. It will never lose it's power!
Stay Hopeful,
Clarissa ♥
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Grateful For Life

You never really know how much you take for granite until it’s almost or completely gone. To be able to breathe is definitely a blessing. Although I know it’s important, the value of it's importance became even more clear for me when I experienced myself not being able to do it. Just as much as we are thankful for houses, cars, jobs and all, we should also be just as thankful for even bigger things that we sometimes take for granite such as; being able to breathe, being in our right minds, being able to feed ourselves, being able to walk and to talk, being able to see (like right now, you are able to read this blog).
Life is truly a gift, and every day we should be so ever grateful for it. Remember that, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), so don’t forget to thank the giver of the gifts.
Stay Hopeful,
Thursday, March 22, 2012
No Matter What--You're Still Beautiful
Looking in the mirror, I frown. What in the world? I ask myself, “Is that hair under my chin?” Pulling at the annoying strands, “Now come on now God, why would you let me grow some hair under my chin? I’m a lady! (my mind drifted and went on Sheneneh for a minute) Anyhoo, this hair is worrying my nerves. I can’t be seen with hair under my chin. That’s for men, not ladies! And why would God even allow that anyway? Uuuuuggggghhhh!
I can imagine that I’m not the only woman or person experiencing this. No matter how others view us, there is always something about ourselves that we don’t like. As previously told in one my blogs—Sometime ago, I met a beautiful young lady who was a little older than I and she looked marvelous. She had grown children and she still looked flawless; shape and everything, but for whatever reason, she was not pleased or satisfied with herself and decided to have surgery. For the life of me still to this day, I couldn’t understand that, b/c most people that I know that undergo such a surgery is….well large, however, this chick didn’t have any fat, rolls or nothing (only us big girls know what I’m talking about)! No matter how many compliments she received from others, she had a problem with accepting herself.
Now, I’m not saying to walk around looking any old kind of way, because I’m definitely not walking around with hair under my chin. I’m too cute for that!!! But what I am saying is—know that you are beautiful regardless. Don’t allow what you see as flaws make you so paranoid and obsessed that you do something extreme or things to hurt yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you find yourself in a depressed kind of mode.
The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. You might have to put some make up on to cover some blemishes. You might have to wear a girdle. You might even have to shave that unwanted hair from under your chin (ha ha haaaaaaaa), but baby you are still beautiful.
Stay Hopeful,
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I Will Not Let You Die

Today was a little different as I was sitting here looking at my plant in her current state, I felt compel to move and do something to try and save her fragile life. Although just a plant, it symbolizes life at its best. And I feel that as long as there is life, there is always a chance. Always hope.
There are several ways we can look at this, but let me just flow with it for a minute. Sometimes we have good seasons and sometimes not so good seasons. We flourish, we grow, we bloom and we excel. Then there are times when we are down and out, sickly and frail, and more vulnerable to our environments. Sometimes we’re strong.And then other times we’re weak. Those are just some of the same stages a plant may go through.
As an observer, my heart began to ache at the declining health of the plant. I remembered when she was so full and pretty. She was growing and everyone that saw her complimented on her beauty. J ust seeing her made me smile. But now what? Now that she needs me the most, do I just turn my back on her and let her die. Do I just sit and watch her deteriorate?
Have you ever been in a situation where you saw someone in pain or in need and wanted to do something to help them? I believe this is where God was with us. We were sick. We were dying and He couldn’t and wouldn’t allow us to die. He sent a Savior- someone to save us from ALL sickness (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally). He sent someone to heal the broken-hearted and to lift the heavy burdened.
The more I thought about how God’s love for us demonstrates RESTORATION- The process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition—which is wholeness, I decided to no longer sit and just watch her die. As a matter of fact, “I refuse to let her die,” is what I told myself.
I will do all that I can to restore her back to her original state.I will nurture it, pour into it, and I will even SPEAK life back into it. I refuse to let her die. I refuse to let you die! So, no matter what you may be dealing with today, no matter how bad you may be hurting today, don't give up, help is on the way! Know that God loves you and wants you whole. Know that there is absolutely nothing too hard for God. Respond to his love. Respond to his voice, and watch and see how you bloom.Stay Hopeful,
needing help,
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Anyhoo, last year, my baby girl was outside playing with one
of her friends and somehow, one of their necklaces got caught up on a limb in a
tree, when they tossed it up in the air (don’t ask me cause I just don’t know
why). Instead of them asking an adult to
help them get the necklace down, they attempted to retrieve it themselves by
throwing jumbo rocks up in the sky. Well
guess what happened—you guessed it right, they broke someone’s windshield, and
unfortunately for me, it was my daughter’s rock that busted the glass on the
Nissan Pathfinder.
Just as it is with most apartment complexes, any type of
accident will bring an audience to yard—some concerned and others just
nosey. The police came out and wrote up
an accident report, but because it was a parked vehicle, they couldn’t charge
anyone with “at fault”. Well to do the
right thing, we ended up paying for the neighbors’ windshield to be repaired,
which was close to 300 bucks.
After the officer left, we ended up meeting some really cool
people out of the “watchers” that stayed in the same building as we did. Since then, we have become like one big
family—sisters and brothers. They have
been a blessing to both me and my husband.
I needed a sister and my husband
definitely needed a brother.
So you see, had not my daughter bust the windshield, we
probably wouldn’t have met our friends, Ron and Camone. What started out as a disaster, ended up
being a blessing. Since then, we have
moved four hours away, but our friendship is just as strong as it was before we
left. Even though we had to come out of
our pocket a pretty penny, I thank God for my sister and brother because
meeting them taught me that everything is not always as bad as it seems. Sometimes there is really good in the bad.
Stay Hopeful,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It Ain't My Fault
Sunday Morning, with less than ten minutes to spare before leaving for church, my youngest daughter comes in my room and asks for a band aid for her leg. Before moving to get her the requested item, I ask her what she needed one for. As a mom, we have to know everything about our kids, right! She responded by telling me that the razor that was sitting on the side of the tub, fell down on her leg and cut her. Hmmm, that just don’t sound right to me.
“Don’t lie to me,” I say.
“Mom, can you please give me a band-aid.”
Now I’m noticing the blood streaming down her leg from underneath the towel she had wrapped around her, and my psychic-mom abilities kicks in. I know that she has wanted to shave her legs, arms, and whatever else that she is too young to do. We’ve all been there—wanting to grow up too fast. My daughter and I have had many conversations on why can’t she wear make-up, and why can’t she shave, and why can’t she get her eyebrows waxed, and why can’t she stay up late “like her big sister”. “It ain’t fair,” she says. Anyhoo….. After she admits to trying to shave, I did what only a mother can do best. I scolded her.
“You had no business messing with that razor because; I have already told you that you can’t shave your legs. One- You’re too young. Two- You don’t know what you’re doing, and when you’re disobedient, things happens.”
Now, I must be honest with you, God got me good on this one. Let me see if I can show it to you like he showed it to me—there were three people in this situation at fault.
1. My oldest daughter- who is 19, out of disobedience, left the razor on the side of the tub- This was careless and irresponsible on her part, especially after I have gotten on to her about not putting things back in their appropriate places.
2. Me- I hardly ever go in their bathroom, but I went in there like two days prior to the incident and noticed the razor on the side of the tub. My first thought was, that I needed to move this razor before my youngest daughter sees it and gets tempted, but instead I left it there, because I wanted to fuss at my oldest daughter for leaving it there in the first place.
3. My youngest daughter- out of disobedience as well, she bothered something and did something she had been told NO about several times. Although my daughters were wrong, so was I, and I am thankful to God because He didn’t let me get away with it. So, the same way I fussed at my daughters, he scolded me. EVERYONE is at fault.
With my wild imagination, I can see my baby girl sitting in the bathroom on the first day, and the razor is saying, “C’mon girl, pick me up and use me. Nobody has to know.” I can see her fighting this temptation with all her might, and the first day, she beat it; but that second day, she wasn’t so strong because it came to her again with more enticing words. So what’s the message this week—I’m glad you asked.
1. Always be careful not to leave things out for other people to fall, to sin, to error. Be careful that you don’t cause another person to fall. Everyone is not as strong as you are, and what may not be a temptation for you, may be a temptation for others. Remember, you were not always at the place you are in today. If you do this type of thing, YOU ARE AT FAULT
2. If you see something out of order, fix it. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t create the mess; if you have the power to correct something—then do so. You never know whose life you may be saving, or what you may be preventing from happening. If you see something out of order, and leave it there because…. YOU ARE AT FAULT
3. Take heed to the teachings that are given to you. Be obedient, especially to the Word of God, because disobedience brings about consequences and repercussions. If you disobey what you know is right, guess what….YOU ARE AT FAULT.
Lord, please forgive us for being careless in our ways, careless with our words, careless with our actions. God I pray that we become mindful of what we are doing in front of others, and that we would be careful not to cause others to fall or to error by our actions. Lord I also pray that we will become more accountable for our brother and sisters, that if we see something out of place in their lives, that we will step in and do the necessary things to keep them from falling. That we won’t turn a deaf ear or ignore the signs to what’s going on around us. And Father, I pray that we will learn to follow instructions and be obedient to you and your word in all things, for we know that you wouldn’t withhold any good thing from us. Help us to remain humble, and to never try to be more than what you have created us to be. Thank you for the lessons of life. Thank you for a teachable spirit, and thank you for being the God over my life. We love you! In Jesus Name, Amen!
Stay Hopeful,
“Don’t lie to me,” I say.
“Mom, can you please give me a band-aid.”
Now I’m noticing the blood streaming down her leg from underneath the towel she had wrapped around her, and my psychic-mom abilities kicks in. I know that she has wanted to shave her legs, arms, and whatever else that she is too young to do. We’ve all been there—wanting to grow up too fast. My daughter and I have had many conversations on why can’t she wear make-up, and why can’t she shave, and why can’t she get her eyebrows waxed, and why can’t she stay up late “like her big sister”. “It ain’t fair,” she says. Anyhoo….. After she admits to trying to shave, I did what only a mother can do best. I scolded her.
“You had no business messing with that razor because; I have already told you that you can’t shave your legs. One- You’re too young. Two- You don’t know what you’re doing, and when you’re disobedient, things happens.”
Now, I must be honest with you, God got me good on this one. Let me see if I can show it to you like he showed it to me—there were three people in this situation at fault.
1. My oldest daughter- who is 19, out of disobedience, left the razor on the side of the tub- This was careless and irresponsible on her part, especially after I have gotten on to her about not putting things back in their appropriate places.
2. Me- I hardly ever go in their bathroom, but I went in there like two days prior to the incident and noticed the razor on the side of the tub. My first thought was, that I needed to move this razor before my youngest daughter sees it and gets tempted, but instead I left it there, because I wanted to fuss at my oldest daughter for leaving it there in the first place.
3. My youngest daughter- out of disobedience as well, she bothered something and did something she had been told NO about several times. Although my daughters were wrong, so was I, and I am thankful to God because He didn’t let me get away with it. So, the same way I fussed at my daughters, he scolded me. EVERYONE is at fault.
With my wild imagination, I can see my baby girl sitting in the bathroom on the first day, and the razor is saying, “C’mon girl, pick me up and use me. Nobody has to know.” I can see her fighting this temptation with all her might, and the first day, she beat it; but that second day, she wasn’t so strong because it came to her again with more enticing words. So what’s the message this week—I’m glad you asked.
1. Always be careful not to leave things out for other people to fall, to sin, to error. Be careful that you don’t cause another person to fall. Everyone is not as strong as you are, and what may not be a temptation for you, may be a temptation for others. Remember, you were not always at the place you are in today. If you do this type of thing, YOU ARE AT FAULT
2. If you see something out of order, fix it. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t create the mess; if you have the power to correct something—then do so. You never know whose life you may be saving, or what you may be preventing from happening. If you see something out of order, and leave it there because…. YOU ARE AT FAULT
3. Take heed to the teachings that are given to you. Be obedient, especially to the Word of God, because disobedience brings about consequences and repercussions. If you disobey what you know is right, guess what….YOU ARE AT FAULT.
Lord, please forgive us for being careless in our ways, careless with our words, careless with our actions. God I pray that we become mindful of what we are doing in front of others, and that we would be careful not to cause others to fall or to error by our actions. Lord I also pray that we will become more accountable for our brother and sisters, that if we see something out of place in their lives, that we will step in and do the necessary things to keep them from falling. That we won’t turn a deaf ear or ignore the signs to what’s going on around us. And Father, I pray that we will learn to follow instructions and be obedient to you and your word in all things, for we know that you wouldn’t withhold any good thing from us. Help us to remain humble, and to never try to be more than what you have created us to be. Thank you for the lessons of life. Thank you for a teachable spirit, and thank you for being the God over my life. We love you! In Jesus Name, Amen!
Stay Hopeful,
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Get Your House In Order

Well I played around doing a little bit of something, but a
whole lot of nothing, and when I looked at the clock, I only had 15 minutes to
wash the dishes, make the bed, and straighten up the living room—by taking
coats and things, and throwing them in another room. **LOL**
As I was running through the house trying to get things in
order before the hubby got in, I imagined, just for a moment, was this how we
would be doing at the return of Christ. Would
we already have everything in order, or would we be running around like a
chicken with his head cut off, trying to get everything ready at the last
My prayer today is…. that we will get ourselves prepared for
the Lord’s return. That we will be ready
and prepared like the five wise virgins, for the hour that He will return, no
man knows. Have you accepted Christ? If so, are you prepared? If not, there's not time like the present.
Stay Hopeful,
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Take Heed to the Warnings!

I am thankful because, the warning was all that I needed to correct the thing that I was doing wrong. So many times, we fail to take heed to the warning signs that are given to us, but had we—we could have prevented ourselves some major heartaches and headaches.
Warnings are good because it allows us time to prepare and get things in order—Look at Noah!
Warnings are good because it allows us time to get out of a dangerous situation—Look at Lot!
Warnings are good because it allows us time to make corrections or changes before we enter into a dangerous state—Look at Cain!
I am convinced that the warnings of God, are far better than the consequences of disobedience any day.
As we enter this new year, my prayer is that we take heed to the warnings that the Lord has graciously seen fit to send to us. I pray that we don’t have to endure the pains of destruction in order for us to get in line with His will and purpose for our lives. I pray that we all have a prosperous year!
Stay Hopeful,
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