Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get Your House In Order

Today was just one of those days where—I didn’t feel like doing much of anything.  For one, this sinus cold is really getting the best of me, and so I have been feeling kinda blah.  Anyhoo, my husband is the kind of guy that likes a clean house, and being that I don’t work, I try my best to honor his request in that matter.  It’s not spotless, but you know it’s enough to keep him from fussing.  **ha ha**

Well I played around doing a little bit of something, but a whole lot of nothing, and when I looked at the clock, I only had 15 minutes to wash the dishes, make the bed, and straighten up the living room—by taking coats and things, and throwing them in another room.  **LOL** 

As I was running through the house trying to get things in order before the hubby got in, I imagined, just for a moment, was this how we would be doing at the return of Christ.  Would we already have everything in order, or would we be running around like a chicken with his head cut off, trying to get everything ready at the last minute? 

My prayer today is…. that we will get ourselves prepared for the Lord’s return.  That we will be ready and prepared like the five wise virgins, for the hour that He will return, no man knows.  Have you accepted Christ?  If so, are you prepared?  If not, there's not time like the present. 

Stay Hopeful,


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