You never really know how much you take for granite until it’s almost or completely gone. To be able to breathe is definitely a blessing. Although I know it’s important, the value of it's importance became even more clear for me when I experienced myself not being able to do it. Just as much as we are thankful for houses, cars, jobs and all, we should also be just as thankful for even bigger things that we sometimes take for granite such as; being able to breathe, being in our right minds, being able to feed ourselves, being able to walk and to talk, being able to see (like right now, you are able to read this blog).
Life is truly a gift, and every day we should be so ever grateful for it. Remember that, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), so don’t forget to thank the giver of the gifts.
Stay Hopeful,
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