Thursday, September 22, 2011


Destiny appoints one, but affects many.- Beth Moore from the Esther series.  I read this statement while in bible study class last night.  Immediately I grasped what she was saying.  So many times we go through things and while we are going through it, it doesn't feel good at all.  But the truth is, it really wasn't about you.  Yes, you are the one that went through it.  You are the one who felt the pain from it.  You are the one that lost things out of it, and so on, but even out of your pain, people can and will be blessed, as long as we do what God has appointed us to do. Our ministries and testimonies are not for us, they are for others! 

I'm reminded of the story of Joseph.  He was betrayed, sold into slavery, accused of wrong doing and everything, but in the end, those steps were neccessary in order for him to fulfill what he was designed or destined to do.  Those ordered steps were neccessary in order for him to be a savior for the people during the famine. 
The bible says that our steps are ordered by the Lord.  Psalm 37:23  I believe that everything we go through, even things we can look back on and know without a shatter of doubt that we caused or that it was our own doing, God can use that for his Glory.  All things (EVEN THE BAD), YES!  All things and everything work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28.  

Be encouraged that you have purpose.  Know that people can be blessed through your trials.  Although you are the one that has been appointed for such a task; many will affected and benefit from it.  Just think about it- Destiny apponts one, but affects many. 

Stay Hopeful,


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