Saturday, April 21, 2012

Now Don't You Look Silly

On my way to the cleaners, I passed a guy on the side of the road “acting a fool” dancing and gyrating around, drawing attention to himself from the travelers that passed along.  They actually have a name for the “guys and gals” that do this, but I can’t think of it right now.   Their position or goal is to draw attention to the ones that pass by in hopes to draw business for the place of business that they work for.   In this case, it was for Little Caesar.  If you have a Liberty Tax Service in your area, you’ve probably seen them dressed up in a statue of liberty costume, standing on the side of the road as well, doing the same thing.

Anyhoo, I remember thinking to myself, ‘this guy looks really silly’.  However, he’s doing a job that he is being paid to do and no matter how embarrassing or silly it looks, he’s getting the job done.   He’s marketing, promoting, and advertising.  

So I ask myself, “Clarissa, what are you willing to do to promote yourself, your ministry, and your book?  Better yet, what are you willing to do to promote your God?”  Then I asked myself, “Are you ashamed of who you are and what you stand for?  Are you afraid of what others might say when they see you promoting your brand or your God?  Because the bottom line is, being a “lighthouse” everything that I do should somehow reflect the God that I serve, right?

So I learned a lesson from the Little Caesar guy, both in the natural and spiritual.  In order to get the business you want, you can’t be afraid or ashamed to market yourself, your brand, your business, your ministry, or whatever.   Someone is interested in knowing what you have to offer, what you have to say, or even know the God that you serve?  Somebody is going to stop by and patronage your business. 

Now, at the end of the day, the little guy will not convince everybody to come to Little Caesar but he will get somebody’s attention.  Somebody is going to stop by and patronage the business.   In the natural- Don’t be afraid or ashamed to get out there and promote yourself.   This is your dollar on the line.  Others will share the word, but no one will do it like you can, especially when you are the one that will reap the benefits from it. 

In the spiritual- Don’t be afraid to be different for the sake of Christ, for we are a peculiar (strange, odd, uncommon, unusual) people.  You will draw the attention of many when you walk right before the Lord.  And when the people approach you wanting to know why you are the way you are, be ready to give them a praise report and direct them to Christ!  "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9 KJV

Stay Hopeful,


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power

This is an oldie but goodie for the season- Enjoy!
Recently, I had the opportunity to donate blood. Although I don't like needles, the thought of possibly helping someone in need makes me feel really really good. So, I try to donate as often as I can because, for all I know, I could be helping save someone's life.

After thinking about the many benefits of me donating blood, I thought about the "Ultimate Blood Donor"! His shedded blood, does so much more and last so much longer than mine could ever do. The blood redeems us, the blood cleanses us, the blood sets us free and most of all, the blood saves us. There are so many benefits in the blood of the Lamb and I want you to know that no matter what you do or have done; no matter how bad you think it is; no matter how disgusting or trifling; I mean, there is nothing you can do or have done that the blood can't clean/erase/cure! The blood really does reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley.

When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the devil really didn't know the impact his death would really have on the world.....FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, JOHN 3:16....BUT the blood is so wonderful/powerful/awesome and there is nothing noone can do so bad that the blood can't redeem them from. BUT here is where I get excited! The sam power the blood had the day it was shed, is the same power it has today~ THE BLOOD WILL NEVER EVER LOSE IT'S POWER!!!

The enemy thinks that once you accept Christ as your Savior and if you mess up, that's it, but baby, know this, the blood is still just as effective today as it was yesterday. It is an ever cleansing blood! So perhaps you have fallen, perhaps you have backslidden, and perhaps you have really messed up; THE BLOOD IS STILL EFFECTIVE...confess and repent, the blood will cleanse you AGAIN! Don't let the devil keep you bound in fear...I love Psalm 51....

Lastly, because of this GREAT sacrifice, I never take communion the same. I take it with a humble heart b/c I am so grateful for the blood that was shed. When I take communion, it is totally personal to me, b/c when I think of my past, my dirt, all of my junk, I am GRATEFUL. Then when I think of the times I messed up/ fell/ flaws and how the blood is still evident in my life today, I am even more GRATEFUL...May you embrace the power of the blood of Jesus and May communion never be the same for you again. May each time you partake in a communion, it will be such an experience for you.

In closing, I sing: The blood, that Jesus shed for me. Way back on calvary. The blood that gives me strength from day to day. It will never lose it's power. It reaches to the highest mountain, and it flows to the lowest valley. (oh yeah) The blood that gives me strength, from day to day. It will never lose it's power!

Stay Hopeful,


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Grateful For Life

With sinuses and allergies lurking, breathing during the night has been a little difficult.  As I was lying in bed on last night, I recalled a few years ago when I actually woke up and couldn’t catch my breath.  Not sure of what to do, I panicked.  I ran from one room to the next trying to find help, I guess.  I kept coughing and trying to clear my throat until finally something broke free.  All I can say is this:  I have never been so glad in all my life. 
You never really know how much you take for granite until it’s almost or completely gone.    To be able to breathe is definitely a blessing.  Although I know it’s important, the value of it's importance became even more clear for me when I experienced myself not being able to do it.  Just as much as we are thankful for houses, cars, jobs and all, we should also be just as thankful for even bigger things that we sometimes take for granite such as; being able to breathe, being in our right minds, being able to feed ourselves, being able to walk and to talk, being able to see (like right now, you are able to read this blog). 

Life is truly a gift, and every day we should be so ever grateful for it.  Remember that, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), so don’t forget to thank the giver of the gifts.

Stay Hopeful,
