As a mom, I understood her fears and where she was coming from, so I
allowed her to finish, but then had to put the ball back in her court. Not so much as shifting the blame, but I
wanted her to see the important role she played in this scenario, being that
she put the baby on the floor and allowed him to go to the table, knowing the
items were there.
Those small items have been on that particular table for
days, maybe even weeks. They have never
been a problem until today, the day that an accident happened. As a matter of fact, that same baby, pulled
up on that same table just last night, where those same small items were. They should have been of a concern last night
as well, but they weren’t—because the incident had yet to happen.
This is how so many of us live our lives day to day. We play around or with “little things” that
can be hazardous to our life or spiritual walk with Christ. For example, the person that sleeps around and
has unprotected sex, is always in danger of acquiring a curable or incurable disease,
or if a female, getting pregnant, but sometimes doesn’t think of the
consequences until something actually happens.
The person, who cheats on his or her spouse, doesn’t really deal with
the issue until something happens. The
average person doesn’t deal with their issues (natural and spiritual) until
something bad happens. We have to ask ourselves,
Have you ever thought about how much heartache or pain you
could have prevented yourself, if only you had moved the “little items” out the
way? There will always be “little items”
that are attractive to the eye, but if not properly moved out of the way, can
cause major harm to us both naturally and spiritually. It is my prayer today that we pick those
items up and place them out of harm’s way.
Those “little items” are always around and so is the danger that comes
along with them. Don’t wait until you
get choked or caught up before you take heed.
There’s a saying that says- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure. It is so much easier to do
everything we can to avoid or prevent trouble, than it is to fix them, if
ignored. Sometimes the results are not
always so nice.
Remember to always "Watch
and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but
the flesh is weak." – Matthew 26:41 Also,
let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so
easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before
us.- Hebrews 12:1 NLT
Stay Hopeful,