Looking in the mirror, I frown. What in the world? I ask myself, “Is that hair under my chin?” Pulling at the annoying strands, “Now come on now God, why would you let me grow some hair under my chin? I’m a lady! (my mind drifted and went on Sheneneh for a minute) Anyhoo, this hair is worrying my nerves. I can’t be seen with hair under my chin. That’s for men, not ladies! And why would God even allow that anyway? Uuuuuggggghhhh!
I can imagine that I’m not the only woman or person experiencing this. No matter how others view us, there is always something about ourselves that we don’t like. As previously told in one my blogs—Sometime ago, I met a beautiful young lady who was a little older than I and she looked marvelous. She had grown children and she still looked flawless; shape and everything, but for whatever reason, she was not pleased or satisfied with herself and decided to have surgery. For the life of me still to this day, I couldn’t understand that, b/c most people that I know that undergo such a surgery is….well large, however, this chick didn’t have any fat, rolls or nothing (only us big girls know what I’m talking about)! No matter how many compliments she received from others, she had a problem with accepting herself.
Now, I’m not saying to walk around looking any old kind of way, because I’m definitely not walking around with hair under my chin. I’m too cute for that!!! But what I am saying is—know that you are beautiful regardless. Don’t allow what you see as flaws make you so paranoid and obsessed that you do something extreme or things to hurt yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you find yourself in a depressed kind of mode.
The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. You might have to put some make up on to cover some blemishes. You might have to wear a girdle. You might even have to shave that unwanted hair from under your chin (ha ha haaaaaaaa), but baby you are still beautiful.
Stay Hopeful,